If you follow me on any social media platform (Full Of Life Jovette Muniz) you will hear me say “The minute you decide to live a happy, healthy and debt free life all hell WILL break loose.” After the summer of 2018 I have since modified that saying to “The minute you decide to live a happy, healthy and debt free life you better be ready to fight.”
I believe everyone should have a Super Hero name. Mine is FAITH WALKER and it must be said with your hands on your hips, head turned to the left, chest out and like an announcer. If you do not have a name feel free to borrow mine until you find your own. I earned this name because I have walked by faith and not by sight most of my life. It started at a very young age and with every decade I got stronger and I also received many dents in my armor (which is to be expected of course.)
It’s June of 2018, I’m not feeling the best and I knew something wasn’t right. In the past I took Airborne, NyQuil and DayQuiland felt better within 24-48 hours but this time it was different. After a few months visiting the urgent care they fixed some symptoms however I still wasn’t feeling better. Fast forward to the last Monday of August, I receive a phone call from my PCP’s office stating I needed to report to my closest ER because my blood counts are low. I immediately went to the office (I was teaching at the time) and requested a substitute for the following day. At that time I did not know how long this blood transfusion fiasco would take because I’ve never had one before so I told the office to get my sub to stay for a couple of days.
Upon my arrival at the ER my numbers had dropped even more than what the PCP lady said and I was transferred to a hospital. At the hospital they gave me blood (Tue), referred me to a hematologist (Tue), did a bone marrow biopsy and sent me home that Wednesday. I was not cleared to return to school so I had to wait. FYI I’m not good with keeping quiet. Now it is Friday morning and the doctor calls to say “The biopsy came back with a diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and you need to report to your oncologist and get back to the hospital to start treatment right now.”
For the “average” person I’m sure this would have knocked them off their feet but for a FAITH WALKER who knows whose she is, insert a smirk, my initial thought was “LET’S DO THIS!!” I put on my battle gear, cracked my knuckles, sharpened my sword and called the kids. All of my babies are grown adults so I wanted to make sure they knew that I was going to be just fine. Some would credit my fight to serving 14 years in my beloved Marine Corps but I don’t know lol. There is a cute meme that says “Be the kind of woman that when your feet hits the floor the devil says ‘OH CRAP, SHE’S UP.’”
After four rounds of chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant and 5 bone marrow biopsies that state NO CANCER CELLS DETECTED I am healed. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! I knew in February 2019 that I was going to encourage others by sharing my story and I started to do that in May.
I posted on my page for “My Story May” (5/1 – 5/17) in order for others to have the details of it. This was also a way I wouldn’t have to keep repeating myself. This battle is also prompting me to write a book to promote optimism within a battle. As The President of the Happy Club I am a strong believer that JOY is your strength. Being happy is not about having a perfect life but I do know no matter what is going on (trials, tribulations, tests, obstacles, avalanches, battles, wars…) you can always smile and spread some happy dust.

"Faith Walker" Jovette Muniz