Why don't we talk about menopause? And why aren't 40 plus women talking to each other about it? This important conversation should start way before it begins, however, women who are 35 and up should be aware of what to expect and how to fortify themselves. In the next few months 40fyd+ will be discussing this more indepthly, breaking down the four distinct parts of menopause and the things that can be done to make our journeys better.
Understanding what our bodies are going through is a significant part of the discussion.
Our goal is to create a safe space for the discussion and to use our platform to educate and prepare our younger sisters as best possible.
Let's start with perimenopause. What is it?
According to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), The age that perimenopause begins varies, but on average it starts when women are in their mid to late forties, But some women are in their mid-thirties when perimenopause starts, while a few don’t begin the process until their mid-fifties.
Here's what you need to know:
Very early perimenopause, when periods are still regular.
Early menopause transition, from the onset of irregular periods.
Late menopause transition, from the first cycle of more than 60 days.
Late perimenopause, which is 12 months from your final period.
Irregular menstrual periods
Heavier or lighter periods
Hot flashes or just feeling hotter in general
Brain fog
Dry and/or pimply skin
Anxiety and/or depression
Vaginal dryness
Worsening PMS symptoms (bloating, breast tenderness, cravings, mood swings, etc.)
When Are You Most Likely to Experience Perimenopausal Symptoms? Women in perimenopause experience a variety of symptoms. The most common are hot flashes, trouble sleeping (often from flashes at night), vaginal dryness, and mood changes, sometimes including depression. But women may experience a wide variety of symptoms that strike them during this time, including having an odd taste in the mouth or the feeling of zaps under their skin.
How do you know if you are in perimenopause? Find out by taking this quick quiz by everydayhealth. https://www.everydayhealth.com/menopause/how-do-i-know-when-ive-started-perimenopause/ If you have a perimenopause story or concern you'e like to share, please email us at 40fydplus@gmail.com.
Tune in for more information on early menopause transition.